Privacy Police & Use of Personal Data

This policy expresses how the personal information of all people who interact with Muuaak through this website will be treated and protected. Please, you must read all the sections of the Legal Notice, cookie policy, and this privacy policy before using this website.

In accordance with the provisions of EU Regulation 2016/679, of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 (RGPD) and Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of the digital rights, Virginia Gálvez Naranjo, informs you that, by accepting this Privacy Policy, you give your informed, express, free and unequivocal consent for the Data you provide to be treated by Virginia Gálvez Naranjo, as the data controller, and on which the security, technical and organizational measures provided for in current regulations are applied.

Responsible for the processing of personal data:
Virginia Galvez Naranjo
Contact details of the person in charge:
Telephone: +34 648 52 38 21

1.- What personal information do we ask for?

In the forms on our website (contact, comments and reservation) we require your name and your email.
We also automatically save the IP from which you send us the form, for legal purposes if necessary.
The form fields marked with an * (asterisk) or as “required” are mandatory, the rest are voluntary. If you do not fill in these fields, for example with your email, we will not be able to answer your questions. The form will simply not be submitted and we will not receive that inquiry.

2 .- Where do we ask you for personal data?

We ask for your personal information (name and email) in our contact forms, comments on the blog and class reservation.

3.- On what legal basis is the data processed?

We treat your personal data with the following legal bases:

The execution of a contract with Virginia Gálvez Naranjo, for the contracting of services, publish announcements and manage the requested services.
The consent of the user in relation to contact, subscription to content and the sending of commercial communications, via mail, cookies or messaging systems.
The legitimate interest of the person responsible for the treatment to protect the users of the Virginia Gálvez Naranjo website from abuse and fraud in the use of our services.

4.- For what purposes will we treat your data?

On this website, there are different forms, in each of them, the information you collect will be used as follows:

Comments form: The personal data entered in the form to insert these comments will be used exclusively to moderate and publish them.

Contact form: In this case, the email address will be used to respond to them and send the information that the user requires through the web.

Trial class reservation form: In this case, we request the following personal information: Name, Email, City and country to adjust the meeting time according to our time slots, declaration of whether it is your first Spanish class to know if it is not necessary to send the level test and availability of day and time to schedule the lesson.

Sales form: I also process data to manage the purchase of any Muuaak product, including order management, payment and all operations related to the contracting of the chosen service or product.
5.- What rights do you have?

Right to request access to personal data: you can ask Muuaak if it is treating your data.
Right to request their rectification (in case they are incorrect) or deletion.
Right to request the limitation of their treatment, in which case they will only be kept by Muuaak for the exercise or defense of claims.
Right to object to the treatment: Muuaak will stop treating the data in the way you indicate, unless for compelling legitimate reasons or the exercise or defense of possible claims they have to continue to be treated.
Right to erasure of data: and except legal imperative, they will be erased after your confirmation.
If you have given your consent for any purpose, you have the right to withdraw the consent granted at any time, without affecting the legality of the treatment based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.

In the event that you feel your rights are violated with regard to the protection of your personal data, especially when you have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of your rights, you can file a claim with the competent Data Protection Control Authority through from its website:

To exercise these rights, you can write to

There is a form for the exercise of your rights, you can request it by email or if you prefer, you can use the ones prepared by the Spanish Agency for Data Protection or third parties.

These forms must be electronically signed or accompanied by a photocopy of the ID card.

If someone represents you, you must attach a copy of their ID card.

The forms can be presented in person, sent by letter or by mail to the address of the person in charge at the beginning of this text.

6.- How long do we store your data?

You can access your data and request its rectification or that we delete it at any time, but as a general rule, the storage periods of your data are as follows:

Customer Data: The period of conservation of personal data will vary depending on the service that the Customer hires. In any case, it will be the minimum necessary, and can be maintained until:
4 years: Law on Infractions and Sanctions in the Social Order (obligations regarding affiliation, registration, cancellation, contributions, payment of salaries …); Arts. 66 and following General Tax Law (accounting books …).
5 years: Art. 1964 Civil Code (personal actions without special term).
6 years: Art. 30 Commercial Code (accounting books, invoices …).
10 years: Art. 25 Law for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing.
Subscriber data: From the moment the user subscribes until they unsubscribe.
Data of potential clients: the data will be kept in any case during the validity of the established commercial relationship and once it is concluded, two years, unless the user requests its deletion beforehand.
Comments on the blog: When it is a comment on an article or blog entry, until that article remains published.

7.- Notification and declaration of gaps

Virginia Gálvez Naranjo assumes security measures appropriate to the level of risk to protect personal information against loss, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction, taking into account the risks involved in processing and the nature of personal information. However, if Virginia Gálvez Naranjo determines that your service data has been misused (even by a Muuaak employee), has been exposed by a security breach or incorrectly acquired by a third party, Virginia Gálvez Naranjo will inform you immediately said security breach, appropriation or improper acquisition.

8.- To which recipients will your data be communicated?

Many tools that this website uses to manage data are hired by third parties. To provide services strictly necessary for the development of the activity, Virginia Gálvez Naranjo shares data with the following providers under their corresponding privacy conditions.

Third-party service providers (for example, payment processing services, order processing, analytics, marketing campaign management, website management, e-mail distribution, and other similar service providers) so that they can perform commercial functions on behalf of Virginia Gálvez Naranjo.

The web development and maintenance company, or the hosting company, may have access to this website from time to time. They have signed a service provision contract that obliges them to maintain the same level of privacy that is applied to the treatments carried out on this website.

9.- Segmentation and profiling

The registration of personal data provided at the time of subscription, contact, interaction with the web and any other data provided during browsing, including the information provided by cookies in relation to browsing habits, will be used in order to be segmented or categorized in order to apply them to the activity related to the management of general administration, information, commercialization of advertising spaces, analysis of proposals requested by users, statistical study of the services and contents used, tastes and preferences, and surveys or forms.

Profiling, through the analysis of your automated individual decisions, consists of the use of your Personal Data to evaluate certain personal aspects, such as the analysis and prediction of your economic situation, personal preferences, interests, behavior, location, movements and attitudes. Being the logic applied to obtain these profiles the use of statistical procedures and being the consequences of this treatment of your data by means of profiling, the sending of personalized communications of your interest with content related to defining the type of content.

The legal basis for the processing of your data for the indicated purposes and the elaboration of automated individual decisions creating profiles, is the consent granted by checking the box indicated above.

The data that we use in profiling and that we show to advertisers is not data that allows users to be identified, only the type of audience we have, their age, country, gender, etc. is shown in a graph.

10.- Secret and data security

Muuaak is committed to the use and treatment of the personal data of users, respecting their confidentiality and using them in accordance with the purpose thereof, as well as to comply with their obligation to save them and adapt all measures to avoid alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, in accordance with the provisions of current data protection regulations.

11.- Accuracy and veracity of the data

As a user, you are solely responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the data you send to, exonerating Virginia Gálvez Naranjo (Muuaak) from any responsibility in this regard. Users guarantee and are responsible, in any case, for the accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal data provided, and undertake to keep them duly updated. The user agrees to provide complete and correct information in the contact or subscription form.

12.- Changes in the privacy policy

Virginia Gálvez Naranjo reserves the right to modify this policy to adapt it to new legislation or jurisprudence, as well as industry practices. In such cases, it will announce on this page the changes introduced with reasonable anticipation of their implementation.

13.- How can I exercise my rights?

We guarantee in any case the possibility of exercising your rights by notifying it by sending an email to the email address from the same email account with which you sent the form or by postal mail to our address, Calle Zarza 1 15 – 11011 Cádiz, Cádiz (Spain), identifying you in all cases legally.

This privacy policy has been updated for the last time on 03/16/2021